Help! My Growing Lipoma Is Becoming Irritating

No one wants to discover a strange growth in their body. Fortunately, not all of them are life-threatening issues. One common example is lipomas.
When you have a lipoma, a lump of fatty tissue develops just underneath your skin. You can often move them around, and they’re typically rubbery to the touch. They usually don’t cause pain or serious health complications, so you can often ignore them after confirming their diagnosis with an expert.
However, some lipomas can become an irritation, either because of their size, appearance, or location. When this occurs, surgery often provides optimal solutions.
Dr. Scott deVilleneuve removes lipomas with special soft tissue surgery techniques at Surgical Associates of North Texas in McKinney, Texas. This advanced skill enables him to remove growths and masses from areas that flex and change shape when handled.
Do you have a lipoma that’s causing issues? Here’s how Dr. deVilleneuve can help.
When to see a doctor for a lipoma
First, a lipoma may not put your life at risk, but you should always see a doctor whenever you notice a lump, growth, knot, or odd change in your skin.
Lipomas aren’t cancer, but they share similar symptoms to other dangerous conditions, including liposarcoma, a rare type of cancer. A medical expert can confirm your growth is a lipoma through a physical exam, biopsy, or imaging tests like X-rays, CT scans, or MRIs.
If you have a diagnosed lipoma, you can often skip further treatment. However, you should follow up with your doctor if it begins causing problems, like causing pain or growing large.
Similarly, you can pursue treatment if your lipoma causes cosmetic issues.
Treating a lipoma
Dr. deVilleneuve treats lipomas by surgically removing them.
During this soft tissue surgery, Dr. deVilleneuve usually numbs the site with a local anesthetic. However, if you have a large lipoma or one located deeper in the tissue, you could require a regional or general anesthetic to ensure your comfort during the procedure.
To remove the lipoma, Dr. deVilleneuve makes an incision in your soft tissue to access the growth. His expertise in these procedures enables Dr. deVilleneuve to carefully remove the fatty lipoma while conserving surrounding tissue at the same time. He also uses special suturing techniques to reduce the potential of post-surgical scarring.
When you have soft tissue surgery for lipoma, you can usually go home the same day. You may have to limit your activity for a short period while you recover. Dr. deVilleneuve can provide personalized guidance based on the size and location of your lipoma.
After surgically removing a lipoma, it shouldn’t grow back. However, you can develop new growths in other parts of your body.
Do you have a problematic lipoma? Contact Surgical Associates of North Texas to learn more about your treatment options by calling 972-525-0245 today.
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